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Pupuk Kaltim Expands the Benefits of Mangrove Conservation, Encourages Quality Education

Mangrove Conservation
Mangrove Conservation (Mangrove Conservation)

East Kalimantan Fertilizer (PKT), a company based in Bontang, has been running a mangrove conservation program since 2009 with a primary focus on improving the environment and ecosystem in the coastal areas of Bontang.

This program is not only a form of corporate social and environmental responsibility (CSER), but also an essential step in supporting sustainable development goals (SDGs). Through various initiatives, PKT strives to preserve the mangrove forest, which plays a vital role in maintaining the coastal ecosystem's balance.

One concrete step taken by PKT is the planting of mangrove seedlings in two strategic locations, namely the Kedindingan area and HGB 65 in the Telok Bangko area, Loktuan Village, North Bontang. The planting of mangrove seedlings is a genuine effort to expand the existing mangrove areas and support the sustainability of the coastal ecosystem.

Mangroves are a unique and important ecosystem as they serve as a shelter for various types of fish and marine life, as well as protect the coast from erosion. Additionally, mangroves play a role in absorbing carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air, helping to reduce the impact of climate change. Therefore, Pupuk Kaltim's efforts to protect and expand mangrove forests are a significant contribution to environmental sustainability.

PKT's Mangrove Conservation Program Encourages Strengthening Education

In addition to focusing on mangrove conservation, PKT also places special emphasis on quality education in the city of Bontang. One initiative undertaken is providing training on mangrove awareness to teachers and educators at SDN 004 North Bontang. This training aims to provide a better understanding to teachers and students about the importance of mangroves in maintaining the coastal ecosystem.

This program is also in line with the implementation of the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project (P5) in the Merdeka curriculum. By imparting an understanding of the importance of mangroves to teachers and students, it is hoped that the younger generation will become more environmentally conscious and actively participate in preserving the mangrove and coastal ecosystem as a whole.

  • Collaboration with Various Stakeholders in Mangrove Conservation

PKT does not carry out this mangrove conservation program alone. They have collaborated with various parties, including the Kutai National Park (TNK) Authority, the Loktuan Lighthouse Library cadres, and the Telok Bangko Development Group. This collaboration allows for synergy in efforts to protect and expand mangrove forests in the Bontang region.

Involvement of the local community and government agencies like the Kutai National Park Authority (TNK) is crucial in maintaining the sustainability of the mangrove conservation program. This collaboration fosters a shared understanding of the importance of preserving mangroves as a natural heritage that must be safeguarded and preserved together.

  • Referring to Law Number 40 of 2007 and SDGs

PKT's mangrove conservation program also aligns with the mandate of Law Number 40 of 2007 regarding Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility (CSER). The company is not solely focused on economic profit but also has a commitment to contribute to environmental protection and have a positive impact on society.

Furthermore, this program is an implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially in terms of maintaining ecosystem sustainability and supporting quality education. By preserving the mangrove ecosystem, PKT is also contributing to the SDGs, especially those related to the environment and education.

PKT's mangrove conservation program in the coastal areas of Bontang is a tangible example of corporate social and environmental responsibility. In addition to preserving the vital mangrove ecosystem, PKT is also involved in advancing quality education in the region.

Through cooperation with various parties, including the government and local communities, this program has been able to provide significant positive impacts on the environment and society. Moreover, this program aligns with existing laws and the goals of sustainable development that have been set.

Through concrete actions such as mangrove seedling planting and training for teachers and students, PKT helps to maintain the sustainability of the coastal ecosystem and create a younger generation that cares more about the environment. All of these are crucial steps in ensuring the sustainability of Bontang and a better future for all its residents.

The Mangrove Conservation Program Brought PKT an Award

Environmental conservation is one of the greatest challenges in the modern era, especially with increasingly concerning climate change. However, there are companies that not only recognize this challenge but also take proactive steps to preserve the environment, and Pupuk Kalimantan Timur (PKT) is one such example.

This is evident from PKT's achievement of the highest award at the 2023 CSER and CSR Awards. PKT received four Platinum (5-Star) awards, recognizing its commitment to supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through its exceptional mangrove conservation program.

The 2023 CSER and CSR Awards are initiatives organized by BUMN Track Magazine in collaboration with the Indonesia Shared Value Institute (ISVI). These awards are designed to honor state-owned enterprises that have demonstrated their commitment to corporate social and environmental responsibility and sustainable development.

One of PKT's major achievements is its ability to optimize its role in the four pillars of the SDGs, namely the Platinum categories of Social, Economic, Environmental, and Legal and Governance. These four pillars are encompassed within the Kilau Samudera Marine Conservation and Coral Reef Media Facility (Kilau Samudera) program.

It is worth noting that PKT is the only company in Indonesia to receive a platinum rating in all four SDGs pillars. This is clear evidence of the company's commitment to supporting the achievement of the 17 SDGs indicators, which are embodied in the four development pillars.

  • Mangrove Conservation: Preserving Ecosystems and Communities

One of the main focuses of the Kilau Samudera program is mangrove conservation. Mangroves are a critically important coastal ecosystem, serving as natural protectors against coastal erosion, mitigating the impact of storms, and providing habitats for various marine species.

PKT invests in preserving and restoring mangrove forests in the Bontang region of East Kalimantan. These efforts are not only aimed at environmental preservation but also at improving the local economy. Healthy mangroves enhance fishing productivity, and by involving the local community in this program, PKT has created jobs and economic empowerment in the area.

  • Kimasea: The Driving Force of the Conservation Program

One remarkable achievement of PKT is its ability to involve the local community in conservation efforts. PKT collaborates with a local group that initially engaged in Illegal Coral Reef Mining (PITRAL) in the area.

This group is named "Kimasea" and is based in Loktuan Village, North Bontang. Kimasea has become the driving force behind the mangrove and coral reef conservation program. They not only assist in ecosystem restoration but also act as agents of change in the community. Kimasea serves as an inspirational example of how the local community can play a crucial role in preserving their environment.

Commitment to ESG Principles

PKT has demonstrated a strong commitment to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles. PKT invests in sustainable and environmentally-friendly initiatives. Through the Kilau Samudera program, the company not only focuses on environmental aspects but also on social and economic aspects.

In the context of Legal and Governance, PKT has shown high levels of transparency and accountability in managing this conservation program. They have partnered with various parties, including the government and NGOs, to ensure that the program adheres to the highest standards.

The four Platinum (5-Star) awards in the 2023 CSER and CSR Awards demonstrate PKT's commitment to supporting sustainable development and the SDGs. The Kilau Samudera Marine Conservation and Coral Reef Media Facility (Kilau Samudera) program is not only an example of how a company can contribute to environmental preservation but also how community involvement can be a major force in this effort.

PKT has proven that preserving the environment and supporting the local community are steps that can have a positive impact in achieving sustainable development goals. Hopefully, this achievement can serve as an inspiration for other companies to follow PKT's lead in preserving our beautiful planet. (Nisa)

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