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The Benefits of Coffee Grounds: From Improving Soil Fertility to Scenting the House

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Manfaat ampas kopi (Demfarm)

Indonesia, the land of coffee, has made this drink not just a warm cup in the morning, but a lifestyle symbol. From generation to generation, coffee has made its mark as an inseparable part of people's culture. However, do we realize that coffee is not only about taste, but also health? It's no secret that this drink has extraordinary benefits for the body.

For some people, coffee is a daily ritual tied to visits to their favorite coffee shop. Meanwhile, for others, the art of brewing coffee at home is part of their morning fun. However, there is one thing that is often forgotten: coffee grounds. After the brewing process, coffee grounds are often ignored and thrown away. It turns out that coffee grounds, which seem to be just leftovers from the brewing process, have unexpected benefits that shouldn't be overlooked.

Coffee grounds, in fact, are a hidden treasure that we need to be aware of. Behind the distinctive aroma, coffee grounds have great potential as a source of other benefits. Cultivating it properly can provide unexpected benefits. So, maybe we should think twice before throwing away coffee grounds like that. Who knows, there is a lot of potential that can be explored from the remains of the coffee we enjoy every day.

Coffee Grounds in Indonesia

Between the sparkling data and stunning coffee production figures, Indonesia has established itself as one of the largest coffee producers in the world. Its position, although not beating Brazil and Vietnam, is still impressive. In 2022/2023, this country will produce no less than 11.85 million bags of coffee, consisting of 1.3 million bags of Arabica coffee and 10.5 million bags of Robusta coffee. However, behind the glittering numbers, there is a reality that is no less interesting.

The 2023 Indonesian statistics released by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) noted that Indonesia's coffee production skyrocketed to 794.8 thousand tons in 2022, an increase of around 1.1% from the previous year, namely 786.2 thousand tons. This increase strengthens Indonesia's position as one of the main players in the global coffee industry. However, how much does production actually affect domestic consumption?

Data from the Agricultural Data and Information System Center of the Ministry of Agriculture shows that coffee consumption in Indonesia has jumped from around 250,000 tonnes to 276,000 tonnes. This growth occurred during the 2016-2021 period with an average increase of 8.22% each year. This high consumption figure, of course, brings its own consequences: coffee grounds waste continues to increase.

Just one coffee shop can produce around 2-5 kg ​​of coffee grounds every day. If we combine these numbers from hundreds of coffee shops across the country, the picture of piling up coffee grounds waste becomes clear. However, amidst awareness of environmental problems, various innovative solutions have emerged. One way is to use coffee grounds creatively to minimize the impact of waste.

According to the International Coffee Organization (ICO), coffee consumption in Indonesia reached an astonishing figure: 5 million 60 kg bags during the 2020/2021 period. With consumption of that size, Indonesia managed to occupy fifth position in the world. These figures not only reflect people's love for coffee, but also highlight the big challenges related to waste management that we need to face wisely.

Benefits of Coffee Grounds

Behind the seemingly useless remains of coffee brewing, there is extraordinary potential hidden that can be exploited creatively. Coffee grounds, even though they have been declared as waste, actually still contain valuable contents that can continue to be utilized. For young farmers, using coffee grounds not only reduces waste, but opens the door to innovation that has a big impact on the environment.

Getting involved in the use of coffee grounds is a wise step for Young Farmers to protect the environment. By creating the concept of "zero wasting coffee", Tani Muda can be a pioneer in reducing the negative impact of coffee waste on nature. This simple step is, in essence, a real contribution to environmental conservation efforts.

Young farmers have a great opportunity to create various innovative solutions from coffee grounds. From its use as an organic fertilizer rich in nutrients for plants, to raw material for creative products such as soap or compost, the potential of coffee grounds is truly limitless. Utilizing coffee grounds is not just about reducing waste, but also turning it into a resource that has a positive impact on agriculture and the environment as a whole. Here are some things Tani Muda can do with coffee grounds:

1. Plant Fertilizer

The phosphorus, potassium and copper, nitrogen, iron, magnesium and chromium content in coffee can certainly help plants grow optimally. Coffee grounds that are used as fertilizer can help plants absorb nutrients from the soil optimally. Coffee grounds are also effective in helping the development of microorganisms that can fertilize plants.

2. Room freshener

The aroma of coffee is unmistakable. There are many fragrance products that use coffee as one of the options. So now young farmers can use coffee grounds as an air freshener by placing the coffee grounds in an open container near an air vent to help the house smell good.

3. As a skin exfoliant

Coffee grounds have coarse particles that can work as an exfoliating agent and help remove dirt and dead skin cells on the skin. Young farmers can use coffee grounds as a skin exfoliant by mixing the grounds with a little water or coconut oil and then rubbing it on their face and body. The caffeine content in coffee grounds has strong antioxidants so it can help protect the skin from sun damage. This can also help increase blood flow, thereby helping overall skin health.

4. Mushroom cultivation media

Coffee grounds can also have economic value. Young farmers can use coffee grounds as a planting medium for oyster mushrooms. The British company Fungi Futures CIC has proven the ability of coffee grounds as a growing medium for oyster mushroom cultivation.

5. As a Natural Pesticide

Coffee grounds sprinkled on the ground can be used as mulch and have the benefit of repelling pests, preventing weeds and helping air circulation in the soil.

Apart from the benefits above, coffee grounds also play a role in many things. Coffee grounds can also be used as a natural dye for hair, and help prevent hair loss and speed up hair growth. Young farmers can also use coffee grounds to reduce bags under the eyes, neutralize odors, remove cellulite, clean kitchen utensils and furniture, and much more. Unexpectedly, it turns out that coffee grounds have many benefits. Come on, from now on young farmers can try doing the things above to help reduce coffee grounds waste and of course enjoy the many benefits. (Nisa)

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